Values & Strategy
Our rigorous focus on performance and execution against our sustainability strategy enables us to develop and maintain trusted long-term partnerships with all our stakeholders. Financial discipline and a commitment to very specific investment filters, along with a clear strategic vision, have delivered the company of WTM of today. It is not about the short term but about being sustainably profitable while building an integrated, modern mining business which will benefit all stakeholders and buyers to be acceptable for future generations.

To achieve this, we need not only to replace and grow our reserves but also to attract and nurture the best people to manage our best-in-class assets. We continue to invest in sourcing, recruiting and developing this talent and we promote an inclusive, agile, accountable culture of ownership. Our policy of giving preference to host country nationals – who account for 96% of all employees – has created a multi-cultural, multi-generational workforce, whose natural diversity is uniquely aligned to the demands of a changing world.